Philip Hitchcock - First Place

The Creation of Adam


Category: Public Relations Award for Coverage in Media

Description: This piece was inspired by Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel Fresco. The sculpture includes the impressions taken fro three different models and is cast in seven sections before being dovetailed together into two complete figures. Though God is bearded, his face is cast from the same model as Adam's face. The figure of God mounts directly to a wall and Adam sits on a stone pedestal.

This was the signature piece of Hitchcock's solo exhibition "Neo Classic," which opened for a month run at Coles Lamar Design and Gallery on January 14, 2006. So popular was the exhibition that it was held over for an additional month before in closed on March 14th, 2006. In April of 2006, Hitchcock put the work on view at the Foundry Art Centre in St. Charles Missouri, by invitation to the city's Spring Art Walk. Attempts by the Foundry officials to censor Adam's nudity erupted in a controversy that made the front page of the St. Louis Dispatch twice in the same week, and provoked a city wide discussion on local talk radio including the Charles Brennan Show on KNOX radio.

Material: Cast Gypsum, Fiberglass, Resin, Steel

Dimensions: 140 x 28 x 80 inches

Date Created: 2004

About the Artist



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