C.J. Munn

2005 Life Casting prize winner C. J. Munn of Rockabelly Lifecasts, Kent, England.

About he Artist: After my previous incarnation as a writer and television producer, I fell in love with life casting when I became pregnant with my son, Jude. I cast my round belly with the help of my artist mother. Soon everyone wanted a belly cast, and then baby hands and feet and so on and so forth right up to full body casts. I have been life casting for 7 years which include celebrity casts, lectureships and television appearances. The last 3 years I have been a full time professional life casting operating my own business. Rockabelly Lifecasts has its studio in Kent, England and creates sculptures of babies, adults and animals. It sells 5 different DIY kits to spread the craft of casting around the UK and hopefully inspire more people to enjoy the incredibly special and enjoyable art form. 

© Copyright ArtMolds, ALI Awards Productions 2005. All Rights Reserved