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Robert Oblon
: 04-Aug-2004
Started On : 31-Dec-2006 at 01:30:03 PM, #Views : 6350
Topic Subject : Re: A new topic has been added-release agent |
You might try shellac if you are doing plaster to plaster with 2 or 3 coats
and then Vaseline cut with turpentine to a brushing consistency and then wipe
down any Vaseline that is too thick. Or shellac 2 or 3 coats and then 2 coats
of Dawn/Joy, etc cut 50/50 with water. Brush in soap let dry and recoat. Use
a little caution, if brushing is too brisk, you will create lots of foam
paper towel foam away. This should also work for brushing molten wax into the
plaster mold, just watch your wax temp. The hotter the wax the more likely it
will stick to the plaster gauge.
Robert Oblon
Central Coast Art Foundry
Arroyo Grande, California
805-748-5381, Fax 805-980-4890