Association of Lifecasters International


© 1999-2004
Association of Lifecasters International
All rights reserved.

Member Registration


Upon being accepted for membership in the Association of Lifecasters International, I do hereby voluntarily subscribe:

1. Artistic Excellence
I will be dedicated to the pursuit of excellence of aesthetics and craftsmanship in my work. I will practice and promote the traditional creative process of fine art life casting.

2. Dignity.
I will endeavor to enhance and ennoble the discipline of the fine art life casting though my dignified  behavior, the presentation of my work and in all other forms of public contact.

3. Promotion of the Art of Lifecasting. I will exhibit respect for my fellow artists and their work, avoiding unjust criticisms, actions or comments designed to harm their artistic standing or work. I will willingly give of my knowledge and provide encouragement to artists individually and collectively so that the quality of fine art life casting may continually be raised.

4. Integrity
I will observe the highest standards of honesty in all my transactions, avoiding the use of false claims, confusing or inaccurate descriptions of the creative activity or product or misrepresentations as to the origin of any work.

5. Authority of the Association
In all matters relating to this Code I will recognize the authority of the Association of Lifecasters International and agree to hold harmless the Board of Directors in any decision made on behalf of the Society. Failure to adhere to the standards of the Code may be cause for a repeal of membership from the Association of Lifecasters International. Such action would be pursuant to a review and majority vote of the Board of Directors.

6. Display of the Association's Logo
Upon acceptance by the Board, the lifecasting artist may display the Association's logo as specified in the rules of usage. The use of the Association's name, logo or seal is strictly controlled by the Board of Directors and any improper use or display or implied endorsement will be subject to appropriate actions by said Board.

Enter Member Details
(fields marked with * are mandatory)
Member Id*     
Confirm Password*   
First Name*   
Last Name*   
Web Address  
Your Title (e.g.: Sculptor, Student)  
Type of Membership *   Lifecaster Associate Vendor
Address 2 / County / Shire   
State / Province *   
Zip Code*   
Telephone (include country code)   
Lifecaster: Please provide a description of your work or the URL of your website  
Associate: Please Describe Your Products  
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