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Association of Lifecasters International
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Marilyn Draving
: 13-Apr-2004
Started On : 04-Oct-2006 at 11:30:53 AM, #Views : 5988
Topic Subject : RE: USCT National Monument |
What an amazing sculpture. The lifecast full head has incredible detail.
>From: aliforum@lifecasting.org
>To: mjdraving@hotmail.com
>Subject: RE: USCT National Monument( Message No. 1192)
>Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 19:00:01 -0400
><html><body>-----------------Amazon.com ALI Sponsor -------->
>Three life casting DVDs available. Hands & Feet
>Face Casting and Female Torso Casting. Available
>through http://www.Amazon.com
>Hello Marilyn Draving
>Post Date : Monday 02nd of October 2006 07:00:00 PM
>Posted by : "Ed McCormick" info@artmolds.com
>RE: USCT National Monument:--
>Well done Roy! You make us all proud to be among your company.
>Warmest regards
>-----Original Message-----
>From: aliforum@lifecasting.org [mailto:aliforum@lifecasting.org]
>Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 6:22 PM
>To: info@artmolds.com
>Subject: USCT National Monument( Message No. 1191)
>-----------------Amazon.com ALI Sponsor -------->
>Three life casting DVDs available. Hands & Feet
>Face Casting and Female Torso Casting. Available
>through http://www.Amazon.com
>Hello Ed McCormick
>Post Date : Monday 02nd of October 2006 06:21:37 PM
>Posted by : "Roy Butler" rbicom@earthlink.net
>USCT National Monument:--
>Please find attached a pdf announcement of the USCT Civil War National
>Monument established at the Nashville National Cemetery. The sculpture is
>life-size and is the first figurative sculpture of the USCT ever to be
>placed in a U.S. National Cemetery anywhere in the world.
>The monument was dedicated by the Under-secretary of the United States
>Veterans Administration and has been archived by The Smithsonian, the
>Veterans Administration and the State of Tennessee Historical Commission
>all as a National Monument.
>The client already had their model selected and requested museum quality
>detail for the entire sculpture. The face, (ears forward), and hands of
>their model were lifecast.
>ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art
>and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting
>create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with
>forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness
>advance opportunities for their artistic success.
>ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art
>and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting
>create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with
>forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness
>and advance opportunities for their artistic success.</body></html>