Association of Lifecasters International


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Association of Lifecasters International
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Started On : 20-Sep-2006 at 07:30:03 PM, #Views : 5948

Topic Subject : Re: hanging


Since I almost always laminate my casts from HydroCal and fiberglass mat, I
have had zero problems with hanging wires. Get a roll of galvanized steel
wire at the hardware store. Use pliers to cut a good length and bend the
wire so you have the length that shows with 2 ends long enough to form into
Ls or triangular loops. Push and bend this so the ends sit pretty flat on
planes in the mold. I usually do this after I've done the first layer of
plaster/glass. The next batch will provide the stuff to go through the loop
or around the L and secure the wire to the casting. The glass mat strip is
dipped in the Hcal and placed thoughtfully around the wire and back
downward. Note this is done on fresh plaster.
Even if a particular work is meant to stand on the floor or a shelf, I'll
put in a short wire so it can be tied to something, so it can't fall in the
event of earthquake or children or burglars.
My works are almost always under 30 lbs, but if you are working heavier
(why?) twist the wire with another strand.
When I did the Floating Louie piece of gauze, I did this with monofilament
and gauze.
Dan in memphis
Dan Spector
901 323 8717
> From:
> Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 18:37:04 -0400
> To:
> Subject: hanging( Message No. 1169)
> ALI Sponsor -------->
> Three life casting DVDs available. Hands & Feet

> Face Casting and Female Torso Casting. Available
> through
> -------------------------------------------------------->
> Hello Dan Spector

> Post Date : Wednesday 20th of September 2006 06:36:59 PM
> Posted by : "Amanda Saulnier"
> hanging:--
> For all of you who do wall hung pieces:
> I would like to know how you hang your work, no matter the material. I have
> been using a steel apoxy to attach sturdy hooks, and up until recently this
> has created a really strong bond and has worked very well. This week, one of
> my pieces somehow got knocked (at the gallery .. I am unimpressed to say the
> least) and the hook came off causing damage. I am wondering what other
> methods people use so that I can try out a few different ways to hang heavier
> work.
> Thanks, Amanda
> ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art and
> creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting, create
> public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with forums to
> exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and advance
> opportunities for their artistic success.

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