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Diane Rossong
: 13-Sep-2005
Started On : 04-Aug-2006 at 05:57:27 PM, #Views : 6050
Topic Subject : Mixing Gypsum |
'Hello there,
Just wondering if anyone can help me with the new gypsum I am using. I have for a few years now been using a dental gypsum called silky rock (white). I really have liked the results I have been getting with it, but the distributor here has doubled the price on me in the past year. So I decided to inverstigate what most of you have been using and found a supplier here in my city with hydrostone by usg (10,000 psi) , (way cheaper)it is about the same strength and colour of the silky rock by whip mix(13,000 psi). I checked the ingredients and found they are pretty much the same Plaster of paris/crystalline silica. I don't think the dental has portland cement in it like the usg, but has titanium dioxide, (??)
I am used to mixing this stuff into a pretty thick slurry 4 parts powder to 1 part water, but can not figure out the correct measurements of the hydrostone. It just seems way to thin. I thought it said 10 parts powder to 7 parts water. I figure that the expantion rate would go down and strength would go up with less water.
I think someone was asking before about the colour of dental plaster and I can now comment that you can buy dental gypsum in a bunch of different colours (ivory, yell, white, light brown etc.) and I see now that the hysdrostone is even a little darker than the silky rock white.
So my question is... Can anyone tell me what measurements they use in lets say cups or parts.
Even with the hydrocal.
Your help would greatly be appreciated!