Association of Lifecasters International


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Association of Lifecasters International
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Author Message
David Wolff

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Started On : 21-May-2006 at 10:48:38 AM, #Views : 6056

Topic Subject : I am having fun...ramblings

Well I just wanted to thank those who have been kind enough to share their trick and tips on how to make better lifecasts. Because of those who shared, each lifecast I do gets better. I have come a long way from hands, feet, and face masks. Torso casting has been a real challenge. Getting poses that look natural, not posed is hard work for the models. Holding it for a period of time is even harder. I never appreciated the work a figure model goes through for the artist until I was the artist.

I can't wait to get my piece together for the ALI contest for 2006. I think about it every day. Well mostly for just a few seconds....but I do think about it. I think last night I finally figured out what it will be.

To the models who I have worked with who may read the forums one day...THANK YOU. You ladies are the best. To the fellow lifecasters who took my phone calls and exchanged emails with me. Thank you to you too.

Yesterday, I tried live models with clothing on. What a hoot it was. In the end the pieces were small, compared to an entire torso, but nicely detailed. Once I have the casting cleaned up and presentable, I will shoot come pics and post them. I have a long way to go before I can come up with works of art to qualify in the category of thos e on the left side of the web page. I may never make it there. But I love what I am doing, people working with me love it and the results.

Enough sentiment...Thank you all. I look forward to actually meeting some of you in the next 6 months. Havving casting folks!

( This rambling is not supported by nor endorsed by anyone sane) LOL..later

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