Association of Lifecasters International


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Association of Lifecasters International
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Author Message
Elizabeth Russell

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Started On : 13-May-2006 at 01:00:03 PM, #Views : 5967

Topic Subject : Re: Latest round of messages

Dan Dan He's my Man....!
foot note (I have no problem though with Mr. Horn, I don't know him or his work)

Think back..... can you think of one Famous artist that wasn't quirky?
Picasso, Matisse, Dali, Van Gogh? (i realize those are all painters) they are Usually angry, often offensive, ocasionally absynthe addicted (Dan have you been chasing the green fairy lately?) They are impatient at times but none the less excepted and celebrated.... Dan is more than secure in his role as an artist than most thats why he speaks his mind more so than not. Typically it is with a piss off tone.... Thats Dan, love him or leave him.

Let me say if you've not been to Dan Spector's website, then go. He pretty much tells everyone, step by step how he makes his pieces! and on top of that, he's ALWAYs given honest (yes sometimes brutal) advice on peoples work, Mine included. A few years ago I got me feelings hurt, sniff, sniff, and insteaded of starting the posting war, I took it, later I realized he was right, and I think I'm a better, stronger artist now because of it.
He has always answered any question I have ever had! (usually off line)

I'm pretty darn sure Dan is one of the original members of ALI which in itself is worthy of respect, even if he has a grumpy day (or month)
I would love to see Mr. Horns work, a link to a casting/Artistic website maybe.....

We all have baggage, myself included... some of our baggage goes together, some doesn't, not everyone is gonna get along thats life!
It makes us no less Artistst or Lifecasters.
I've not sold hundred thousand dollar pieces, but i have sold hundreds of priceless pieces that I have poured my heart and soul into, I have probably donated more work than I have sold, does that mean I'm not a successful artist?
I don't think its about the dollar signs, but the love of the art. And the passion inside whether its an angry passion or not, we are still artist!
EJ Russell wrote: ALI Sponsor -------->

Three life casting DVDs available. Hands & Feet

Face Casting and Female Torso Casting. Available

Hello Elizabeth Russell

Post Date : Saturday 13th of May 2006 11:00:03 AM
Posted by : "Robert Oblon"

Re: Latest round of messages:--

To Dan and those of you who seem to use this forum to air their
insecurities, egos and intimidation. I've been a member for several years now and get
"all" of the emails that are sent to the site. Occasionally there is information
gleaned from this site but lately most seems to be people like Dan Spector
posting his arrogance towards people that are new to this site and body
casting asking for information. I do agree with Dan on many occasions and realize
that body casting along with any form of art is hard. With experience

hopefully comes skill. Some of us just "get it" better. But to be rude and arrogant
just escapes me. If Dan and this Mr. Horn (who has lots of zeros after the
one) have this wealth of knowledge then share it rather then belittle the
people that don't have a clue and may never "get it." If you don't care to share
it, that's fine too but keep the "kindergarten" stuff to yourself, it's real

Robert Oblon
Central Coast Art Foundry
Arroyo Grande, California
805-748-5381, Fax 805-980-4890

ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting, create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and advance opportunities for their artistic success.

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