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Bob Brumley
: 04-Aug-2004
Started On : 04-Apr-2006 at 10:40:46 AM, #Views : 6073
Topic Subject : Re: Re: Another ceramic face |
The primary mold was made with regular set alginate from Artmolds and burlap strips dipped in lab dental plaster. I then cast the face with regular dental plaster. After the cast had dried and repairs had been made, I made a skin mold with RTV silicone from Polytek and the mother mold was made using Forton MG. To create the mask, I pressed the clay into the silicone rubber mold to a thickness of about one inch (a bit thicker in center of the face). I let it dry for about a week and then made final repairs (the clay shrinks) to the mask before the final drying and firing.
Piece of cake, huh?