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Luke Weinland
: 08-Mar-2006
Started On : 15-Mar-2006 at 02:52:22 PM, #Views : 6071
Topic Subject : Hair encapsulation with Body Double or Liferite? |
Hi all, when using the proper release cream, will scalp hair (assuming it is not too long) properly release from Body Double or Liferite ? Is a bald cap required to make a full head casting with Body Double or Liferite ? If not how long can the hair be for proper release from the mold? Anyone has had experience with this kind of problem? if yes, could you please elaborate? A mold maker told me that even with the correct release cream from smooth-on, small arm hair was not properly released.... I saw pictures on the smooth-on website that seems to make it possible to make a Body Double mold from a person's face with a beard? And for Liferite--> from Artmolds.com --> "....around the model's head (note that he even captures hair detail with LifeRite)..."..does that mean the model is not wearing a bald cap?? (note:at this time I am only interested in issues related to skin safe type of silicone). Thank you. Luc