Association of Lifecasters International


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Association of Lifecasters International
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Author Message
William Kendzierski

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Started On : 23-Nov-2005 at 09:30:04 AM, #Views : 6109

Topic Subject : Re: alginate molds

Hi Debra

>From my experience the bandages do give quite a bit. What I do is measure the model's hips and shoulders with a large pair of calipers prior to putting on the alginate/plaster. I then record this measurement on paper. After the mold is pulled off the model, I use the calipers again and measure the inside of the mold to make sure the measurement is the same. If it is larger than I use pipe clamps to pull the mold together to maintain the correct shape. You certainly don't want the mold to spread when you pour in the plaster. Your model could instantly gain 10 pounds if that happens :) I usually mold right down to the table surface. I always mold more area than I need to allow for trimming up the rough edges of the mold.
Hope this helps


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> ALI Sponsor -------->
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> -------------------------------------------------------->
> Hello William Kendzierski

> Post Date : Tuesday 22nd of November 2005 10:50:00 PM
> Posted by : "Debra Ulrich"
> alginate molds:--
> Greetings again all.
> I am about to attempt my first alginate mold. I feel ready but there is one
> thing I am not clear on. That is the degree of give or flex that the plaster
> bandage mother mold is capable of.
> If for example I was to mold an orange. And the cross section of the orange
> had designations as in a clock, to what degree of an undercut can I go with the
> plaster?
> E.g., I start at 12 and wrap down . .at least to 9 and 3 .. that would be
> the half way point. Can I go to 8 and 4? How about 7 and 5?
> I have seen pictures online of person's laying on their back .. and it appears
> that their head is covered in alginate and then the bandages . .down to the
> level of the table. Is this correct?
> Thanks for any information you can share with me.
> Debra
> ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art and
> creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting, create
> public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with forums to
> exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and advance
> opportunities for their artistic success.

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