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Author Message
John Schoonraad

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Started On : 02-Nov-2005 at 03:38:28 AM, #Views : 6205

Topic Subject : Re: casting in clay questions

Dear Debra
having read your letter,may I suggest you try slushing molten plastelene into your alginate mould this was developed for the movies we have such a short time to do things in our industry, I actualy do whole bodies this way.
To do a headcast I use the all over head cast tecninque this can come down as far as the nipples or below if you want.
I make sure the nose is blocked for this I use a little alginate gentley offered into the nasul cavities once the cast is leakproof ,now this is the tricky bit.
Take great care when melting plastelene always have a bucket of water standing by some thing you can plunge your hand into should you get a splash try to have some one on hand just as a saftey precaution you can use a large sauce pan to melt it on a small stove and do it slowly you should be able to melt a head and shoulders worth down in about 40 minutes,idealy have some light garden gloves and make sure you have sleeves all the way down its important not to have the plastelina too hot this will create steam and a poor suface .
Once all is ready pour in the plastelina up to the chin in depth then gentlley swill when you feel the head area been covered pour the excess back into the pan covering some of the chest area as you go you may then wish to lean the plasteline thats left where the ear areas are ,this lick wil quickly cool it may be handy to have a smallglass jug so you can dip in the pan and pour over the chest areas you can also use a fibre lass brush to dip and paint and build up the suface what we want is an all over covering of about half an inch, may be a bit more in the front of the face .
Once this is done I usualy fill with a hard foam but plaster will do just fine .
If you think you get a buzz taking off the alginate to see you plaster wait till you see it in plasteline .
A good tip is when removing the ears cut round them and save them, some times they dont fill well if you save them you can melt down some plasteline and pour them again more carefully ,you can then graft them on so easily or use them as reference to finish your sculpt.
Its then so easy to clean up your sculpt the eyes can be cut out eyes put in and cleaned up in a few hours I use lighter fluid and white spirit to soften the plasteline and abrasive sponges to smoothe down the top head area .
it may be better as a beginner to just use a half head mould to get used to the practice also plastelina comes in different hardnesses and melting points the really hard for hot weather and softer ones for when its cool you can see examples on my web site .
Its really amazing stuff I can do a full body and be able to pick it up and carry it around attaching limbs etc is so easy and quick.
I am very proud of being the first person in england to use this tecnique in the film industry and have done many hundreds of full bodies this way and thousands of heads arms and legs hope this helps theres obviously more to tell but I hope its a start
ps there realy is so much you can do with this I have only just given you the basics e.g latex texture pads can be used taken off plaster casts this and a little heat a lick from a gas lighter flame the kind you get in cookery shops wrinkles even navels can be made this way
I am posting some plasteline examples it may give you some idea

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