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Author Message
Clay Williams

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Started On : 31-Mar-2011 at 05:27:11 AM, #Views : 6754

Topic Subject : Trying different things

Here is a piece I did that basically was birthed out of a ruined piece. I had a torso that I did out of clear resin and was trying for a certain effect that failed completely. I was actually going to pitch it . I set it on my shelf and left it for next trash day. Then while at Home Depot one afternoon I saw this copper sheeting . I loved the look of it and it was thin enough to be somewhat malleable, so I got a roll, not knowing what I was going to do with it. When I got back to my studio, I laid it to the side as well, trying to finish other projects.
Then trash day came and I grabbed the torso to throw it away and walked by the roll of copper. I dont know what happened but I just laid the torso down and started shaping the copper over it. Didnt like the look at first so I kept playing with it. It started to look alright. After covering it and cutting, shaping and even taking a torch to melt the tar on the back of the copper to hold the pieces together, I again set it to the side, not really completely satisfied with the look.
After about 3-4 months of the piece just lying on my floor , I got the idea to get some copper rivets and attach it all together. I found a local supplier and picked up a couple of hundred. Well, I started and as I worked, it started to look better. I ended up using all 200 of them and actually need a few more. (during this drilling and riveting process my drill bit broke and went thru my thumb!!! Ouch)
So now I like the look of this. It need a bit more refining and smoothing of the metal in places, but Im happy now.
So anyhow, here it is--

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