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Arthur Cordisco
: 30-Oct-2006
Started On : 30-Aug-2010 at 08:29:32 AM, #Views : 6123
Topic Subject : Re: Casting with resin |
Hello, if you want to continue with your polyester resin, you might try a trick that the taxidermists have come up with. Get some Bondo at your local hardware/auto repair supply/Home Depot for starters. What we have found is that if you mix the Bondo with your garden store variety polyester resin and brush or slush this into your mold as a face coat you can then follow with whatever you want in terms of fiberglass/resin as reinforcement. The Bondo accelerates the polyester in such a way that it does not react adversely with the alginate. I find that if you use both catalysts (the paste version that you get with the Bondo and the liquid version that you get with the resin) you will have excellent results. Practice a little with ratios and the amount of catalyst and you should be able to nail it without spending a fortune. Often Forton and the other "resin substitutes" are touted as better, safer, easier, cheaper, etc. but why not use the real deal if you can?