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Author Message
Helen Hannah

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Started On : 11-Sep-2010 at 03:31:19 PM, #Views : 5967

Topic Subject : Returned cheque payment.

Dear Members.
I am writing to you for moral support and advice. Last week I made delivery of a piece of work for a lady, and took a cheque in payment. I know I was silly, but I didn't get the cheque guarentee number, as I have never had anyone not pay me in the past.
Well, I found out today that the cheque was stopped so I am not being paid for the work undertaken. I do have a deposit for half the cost which did clear, but I am still owed money, and I intend to get my payment. The work was good, one of my best so far.
I know that I need to write to the lady and advise her that if she does not pay within 28 days I will take her to the small claims court. I also know it is a criminal offence here in the UK to write a cheque you later intend to cancel, or to cancel a cheque for goods or services received even if the item if faulty (which in this case it is not). It is also an offence to write a cheque you know will not clear due to lack of funds in your account. So, I know this lady has not a leg to stand on. I found my information from the Citizens advice website.
However, I am wondering if anyone has advice or experiance they can offer me now, before I send out my first letter. I am not expecting her to reply, and almost think she will even refuse to sign for the recorded delivery letter I inted to post on Monday.
As a word of advice to the rest of you, it appears that in the UK at least, if you get a cheque guarente number written on the back of the cheque in your handwritting, and witness the person sign the cheque they can not ask the bank to cancel the cheque.


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