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Author Message
Ben Larson

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Started On : 29-Aug-2010 at 09:13:19 AM, #Views : 6040

Topic Subject : Casting with resin

Question for those who have worked with resins...

I am currently looking for a suitable resin to pour into my molds. I am using primarily fibergel alginate, and I have been experimenting with plain fiberglass resin. I am used to using hydrocal in my molds, but this can get pretty heavy!! I did a test on myself, making a mold of one hand. The fiberglass resin, of course, will pool in the deeper areas of the mold. However, if a thin coat is painted on the entire surface, after the first layer is dry, I am using smaller amounts of the resin, and tipping the mold so all areas are primarily the same thickness.

I have no idea how this will work on a larger project, such as a torso. It picks up detail quite well, actually. The only problem I have found is that areas of the fiberglass that was in contact with the alginate gets a little milky white in color, and is quite slimy when first removed until it sits in the sun to dry. Otherwise this seems to work well.

At this point, I am just using the resin, and not using any fiberglass cloth or mat. I fear that if this was applied to the first layer, the cloth or mat texture may show through to the surface. I plan on using the mat in subsequent layers, as this will be what adds the strength. I am overall very happy with the results I have been having, just wondering if anyone has any pointers.

I have not tried Forton MG yet. I know many here will swear by it, and I would love to try this someday. The only problem is the cost. I am by no means a professional, and am at this point just doing this as a hobby. I am looking for solutions that won't cost an arm and a leg. The fiberglass resin seems to work, just need to get a few things worked out and some sort of system down. Anyone have any ideas??


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