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John Weeber
: 30-Apr-2005
Started On : 07-Aug-2010 at 08:31:35 AM, #Views : 6013
Topic Subject : Re: Re: Re: new from holland |
It might be a bit late to weigh in on this, but I am one of those who believe the human body is beautiful in all of it's forms, and was not offended or shocked by your work. The piece referenced that is a bit similar to yours is called "The Spice of Life" by Brighton Bodycasting; you can easily do a search on it if you would like to learn more. Anyway, getting back to this forum and posting, I would be very cautious in putting restrictions on what can and cannot be shared here. It seems like a slippery slope and would leave much to interpretation and unfortunately, some one's judgment. This is an age-old argument with nudity and art, and if we decide that the male sex organs are a no-no then I guess we feel that Michaelangelo's "David" is likewise offensive. We are all adults, work with the human body as the basis for our art, and should be very open-minded when it comes to what lifecasters are creating.