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Lidia Branch
: 28-Apr-2007
Started On : 24-May-2010 at 01:45:16 PM, #Views : 5879
Topic Subject : Re: Two hands holding |
hi there
First of all welcome to the forum. For the hands you like to do just use a bucket or ice creamcontainer what fits both hands, this is for a upright statue. Let mom hold baby, after set let baby come out on her/his own first then ask mom to gently break suction and slide out, fill with casting material. Sometimes it is easier to do a plaque. Build walls around the place where the hands will be with some wood ,secure them on a table with glue gun. (walls should be high enough)To close the hole around wrists use clay. Mix alginate, pour it over the hands ,set gentle take out ,turn around and fill with casting material. Downside you need high walls Or sometimes i make it thicker ,no walls but put plaster bandages after on the alginate to support, turn around and fill the whole, or overpour. If you email me i can send you pictures of this process
transitions@nb.aibn.com Hope i didnt get confusing. I learned all this stuff from on line videos like from smooth-on. good luck