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Author Message
Olivier Duhamel

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Started On : 11-May-2010 at 10:51:00 AM, #Views : 5942

Topic Subject : Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wax Mother mold...

I just did another one today... This time using fibreglass mesh for reinforcing...Found it easier and even faster to apply. I had precut squares, restangles and strips of various size. I simply dip them in molten wax and strecht them over the first layer of wax, each slitghtly overlapping its neighbour.

Only took me 14 minutes to finsih the mold... ( only a small torso this time with arms crossed over her chest, a very graceful gesture of modesty.) The model had lots of wax drips on her belly but it all peeled off easily afterwards.

The other advantages of using a fine fibre glass mesh is that you can easily clean your batch ready for the next mold. Melt it and sieve out all alginate, plaster bits and cotton wool. Pick up the fibre glass, let excess wax drip back into the pan and set aside for future use.

I use a frying pan to melt the wax, the advantage is a wide temperature range and regular temperature througout the batch. I suspect that with a deep pot you may have hot wax at the bottom and almost frozen at the top. not good.
I normally melt it quickly on high temp (158F) and then turn it down to 113F 10 minutes before the model arrives.

I have used Poly skin wax only once for this. I think it is parrafin with some other stuff (oil?) added to make it more flexible for the purpose of molding a hand. In our case we want something as rigid as possible. Plain parraffin has been giving me very good results indeed.

The bulk of my busines is lost wax bronze foundry . I aslo use wax as a sculpting and modelling medium. I have lots of practice and experience with wax. The main thing to remember is to wear old clothes and watch out for wax fire. (the stuff is very flammable.)

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