Association of Lifecasters International


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Author Message
Helen Hannah

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Started On : 16-Nov-2009 at 05:34:31 AM, #Views : 5721

Topic Subject : RE: Re: casting a childs bottom


Thank you for your response, I have read the article and found it very
informitive, and I loved all the pics of your work....something to aspire to
in a big way there (which was not a surprise).

I am based in the UK, and the cast would be in algi I think rather than a
plaster bandge cast, just in case anyone else is wondering and has advice to

Interstingly I asked my two kids this morning what they would think of
having a cast of thier bottoms up, from when they were babies. My 4 year
old gave a great shout of "no you won't be doing that to me, but can you do
my hand like this" and showed me a pose! My 9 year old said she would hate
it, if I had done anything like that it would have to hang in our bedroom
only, not even Dad's office would do, and it would have to have a curtian
over it so that no one ever saw it by mistake. I guess she is a bit shy.

As an adult I would love to have a cast of my tiny baby bottom, just to
prove it was once small, but I can see that for all my childhood years it
would have been tough having a cast like that around. But that could just
boil down to how your parents dealt with having it, and I know my mum would
have made a big thing out of it and I would have hated it and her for doing

I have gone back to the Mum with these thoughts and I think this might make
her change her mind, when she thinks about all the years of her precious
child growing up with thier bottom on the wall. I would still love to cast
it though, but the child has to come first and I am not sure it would be of
any benefit to the child itself.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 16 November 2009 03:15
Subject: A new topic has been added-Re: casting a childs bottom( Message
No. 2857)

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Hello Helen Hannah

Post Date : Sunday 15th 2009f November 2009 10:05:40 PM
Posted by : "Dave Parvin"

Re: casting a childs bottom:--
Helen. in my article on finding perfect models which is in the ALI
Library, I briefly discuss using under age models starting on page four.
Rather than repeat myself, you might read what I wrote. But I will say that
the laws vary in different states and it is very possible find oneself in
serious trouble. I have personally known of three cases in which someone was
FALSELY accused of child molestation and in all three cases the persons
lives and finances were severely affected even though in all three, the
charges were eventually dropped. Be careful, be very careful. Dave

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