Association of Lifecasters International


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Association of Lifecasters International
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Author Message
James Currie

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Started On : 17-Nov-2009 at 03:44:28 AM, #Views : 5962

Topic Subject : Re: Re: deathmasks

I've been called in by local funeral parlors to do death castings. The people there are usually very helpful.

James Currie

-----Original Message-----



Sent: Mon, Nov 16, 2009 9:03 pm

Subject: A new topic has been added-Re: deathmasks( Message No. 2869)

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Hello James Currie

Post Date : Monday 16th 2009f November 2009 11:54:14 PM

Posted by : "Dave Parvin"

Re: deathmasks:--

Lidia, as I recall, one of the classic books on sculpture, "Sculpture Inside and Out" by Malvina Hoffman about 1939 has at least a full chapter on the subject. While we now have better materials, there might be some still useful information. My copy is at my studio rather than my home. I will check tomorrow and let you know if it seems to have any value. If affirmative, I will be glad to copy the pages and send them to you. This may be a long shot, but perhaps worth a try.

A few years ago, someone attended one of my workshops specifically to learn the life casting process in order to do death masks. She worked for a funeral home and said that they occasionally got requests especially from Hispanics. I doubt if I can figure out who it was; but I'll look back in my records and see what I can find.


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ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting, create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and advance opportunities for their artistic success.

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