Robert Oblon
: 04-Aug-2004
Started On : 26-Oct-2009 at 01:00:56 PM, #Views : 5674
Topic Subject : Re: Re: Re: RE: ALI FORUM |
This is almost funny but it's not. I'm sitting here reading my email and
see that there are several, 17 to be exact, posts from Ali. I've learned that
it's someone with bad computer skills or a glitch in the system and then
the apologies start from this person... So if you are blaming your dad as my
son use to do until he realized he was responsible for his own actions
maybe he should have taken himself out of the gene pool! Rather than just
delete all of the posts unread, wondering they actually might be great
answers from, Dan, Dave, Ed, CJ or many of the others to someone's question. I
open each one and there it is, dribble, just like this. Maybe before you
crack wise for all of us to read, take a deep breath and not hit the send
button. I took my deep breath!
Let's see how many times this shows up.
Robert Oblon
_www.robertoblonstudio.com_ (
Arroyo Grande, California
805-458-5145, Fax 805-980-4890