Association of Lifecasters International


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Author Message
Frank Joseph

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Started On : 14-Oct-2009 at 04:35:43 PM, #Views : 5954

Topic Subject : Re: Re: Re: Belly casting with plaster bandage

There are those that use plaster bandages to make the initial impression, rather than alginate. It's a quicker, less precise method, but even if the risk of burning is lower, plaster can certainly do horrendous damage, at its worse.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 3:49 PM
Subject: A new topic has been added-Re: Re: Belly casting with plaster bandage( Message No. 2673)

------------Silica-Free & Oh So GREEN------->

NEW! MoldGel SILFREE. A revolutionary formula.
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Hello Frank Joseph

Post Date : Wednesday 14th 2009f October 2009 03:42:31 PM
Posted by : "John Schoonraad"

Re: Re: Belly casting with plaster bandage:--
The news here in the uk of a student getting burned because she immersed her hand into a bucket of wet plaster is extremley shocking ,I HAVE SEEN THE PICTURES AND IT SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED.
Thats why there should be guidlines in every teaching facility that covers this subject.
I have personally been called in to a worksop because previously there had been and accident caused by heat build up ,the actress concerned was a lot luckier but missed work through her injuries there was no permanent damage .
As I say to my students put a potatoe in the middle of a setting bucket of plaster and it will cook it .
When doing any lifecasting one should always be aware of heat build up, brief the artist your casting ,artist in my case as I work in the film industry your case client
tell them if it gets warm ,and I mean more than comfortable to let you know, I say dont be a tough guy because I do a lot of stunt men .
Heat build up is caused by the exothermic reaction in any product that sets quickly. not so with alginate, as a high percentage is water and the other ingredient seaweed, is not of the same chemical range as say the plasters.
As stated before in the previous email its in the thickness, thin levels will dissapate the heat without storing, if its thick ( any thing over half and inch in my experience) it will hold heat and especialy on the inside thats the side touching skin .
This can be avoided by keeping it thin and making sure that you or any one helping you does not allow the plaster to build up especially in certain areas like the crutch ,when doing full body cast this is one area that some time gets a build up and under arms
If there is heat build up it is easily put right with a water spritzer the cooling effect is immediate, this is very efective and never fails, if some one has forgotten it a cup of water splashed over the warm area will do as well.
Any strenghening can be done later when the model as exited the cast and as a barrier I always use nivia never vasoline ,vasoline is also a good conducter of heat nivia or cold cream is not .
This accident was caused by ingnorance and hopefully will never happen again
As foot note children should never have plaster bandage put directly on he skin .
Children should always be chaperoned by there parent or guardian .

Its through forums like this that the knowledge can be spread
Go Safely always


John Schoonraad

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 2:40 PM
Subject: A new topic has been added-Re: Belly casting with plaster bandage( Message No. 2667)

------------Silica-Free & Oh So GREEN------->

NEW! MoldGel SILFREE. A revolutionary formula.
Made with all food-grade ingredients. It nourishes
the earth when discarded. 3-to-1 mix ratio yields
twice the volume as those 1-to-1 brands. Delayed
shrinkage for delayed casting - so creamy smooth, too.
To learn more about it click here

Hello John Schoonraad

Post Date : Wednesday 14th 2009f October 2009 09:32:55 AM
Posted by : "Adi Smith"

Re: Belly casting with plaster bandage:--
I was wondering how long this would take to reach this forum.

The incident in question arose (from what i can gather from the media) because the student wasnt told of the dangers of the exothermic reaction that takes place when gypsum is re-hydrated, and she thought that a short cut to casting her hand was be to submerge her hands into the bucket of plaster the teacher had just mixed !! whilst their was inadequate supervision from the teacher, and no guidelines to tell her NOT to do it.

The results where tragic to say the least, hands encased in a material that heated up to over 100 Deg = Very badly burnt fingers & hands, leading to total amputation of 8 fingers !

As CJ has said plaster does get warm when curing, but when applied in thin or tiny amounts should not cause a huge build up of heat IT WILL GET WARM (enough to burn you).

HAS ANY of the UK life casters out their had any reprocussions to their business due to this news story breaking ?

I personally have had 3 clients calling me up asking how i intend to cast their childs hands / feet ? (my website explains my methoods, but i guess they just need re-assuring) I dont cast directly in plaster, i use Alginate like most of you guys i guess.

All of this on top of another VILE UK media story of 'some' nursery workers that sexually abused the children in their care (sick!)

This has lead to people asking me and my partner to show our valid CRB Enhanced (Criminal records Bureau) certificates (this is NO problem at all this is exactly what we have them for) but it just shows how OTHER people can affect your business.

At the moment being in the Childrens crafts / Life casting business is getting tougher & tougher .

Happy Casting


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ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting, create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and advance opportunities for their artistic success.

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ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting, create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and advance opportunities for their artistic success.

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