Association of Lifecasters International


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Association of Lifecasters International
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Author Message
John Schoonraad

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Started On : 06-Sep-2009 at 07:26:50 AM, #Views : 5909

Topic Subject : Re: Re: Re: Question re: pink house

Yes Joseph
I make a lot of photo realistic dummies for film in the case of a photo realistic head I make an alginate mould of the subject then pour in molten plastelina I slush it in temp being very important as too hot creats steam bubbles tiny little dots you realy dont need ,then i fill the center with a semi hard eurathane this can be spiked on to the body if required in fact I do the whole body using this procedure
Advantages being easy to clean up easy to sculpt the eyes open
and the look can be changed to give a more life like look I really work on my coaching of the sbject to give the exspession I want but you can still end up with a slight frown that you dont wont or you can easily add a slight smile or just cut in to the jaw so it drops in to a screaming exspession as we did on "Gladiator" when the female charioteer had her head cut off
using plastelina also makes it easy to applie texture using latex pads cast from plaster cast of varying skin types elbows eye wrinkles even navels it kind of means that all casts are redeemable and can be fixed
its a great way to cast whole bodies especialy children recently we cast my grandsson for the second time the first was when he was 5 he's now 7 and you can do an arm one day the chest another and so on he's a tough little guy and so we have done it in 2 goes and he really enjoys it and wants to do more you can see a pic of him on my web site hanging from a pole another anvantage of this tecnique is that there is no position that cannot be acheived given a little thought
exciting stuff .
Go Safley

John John Schoonraad

Lifecast Ltd
T: +44 (0)7877 035 895

Workshop 6
Elstree Film & TV Studios
Shenley Road

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2009 3:45 AM
Subject: A new topic has been added-Re: Re: Question re: pink house( Message No. 2546)

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Hello John Schoonraad

Post Date : Saturday 05th 2009f September 2009 10:39:41 PM
Posted by : "Joseph Gourlay"

Re: Re: Question re: pink house:--
John, thanks for your reply! Yes, the final point is lost wax (bronze).

So, you think just dumping all the wax in at once is causing this? Also, are you saying you melt and pour plastalina?

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ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting, create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and advance opportunities for their artistic success.


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