Association of Lifecasters International


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Author Message
John Schoonraad

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Started On : 07-Sep-2009 at 12:01:51 PM, #Views : 7279

Topic Subject : Re: Re: Short video clip

Yes I totaly agree with Dave on all counts, model support is important and having an assistant, that extra pair of clean hands has to be there for backup, and more importantly for exspediency.
For a full body cast, I have 4 assistants, and I also prefer to work at waist height, oh my aching back!
I have done 4 full bodies in a day, and that's a work out.That's doubling up on hands and legs, 20 cast in all. Without a great team, (and this is my daily job) you would soon hit the wall. They also have to be filled in with whatever is required before the alginate starts to shrink. Sometimes, transported from different countries eg. they flew me to Melbourne in Australia to do Eric Banner; there was a team waiting with very limited experience. He was cast, Plastelined and foamed. Shrink vacuum packed and sent England, where he was then finished up as the silicon figure dragged arround by Brad Pitt in the movie Troy.
Thanks again to the team, very quick learners.
If you have help, it gives you more time to concentrate on the model, their needs and your good work.

Making sure the model is secure is also very important. I use Nivea, and am always carefull to make sure that the part of the model on the table is Nivea free, to prevent slide. Likewise, to the soles of the feet.This prevents them slipping over.
It's great that such a simple video can bring out the comment from the seasoned experts like Dave. It may be my imagination, but the forum has become far more interesting of late .
Go safely

John Schoonraad

Lifecast Ltd
T: +44 (0)7877 035 895

Workshop 6
Elstree Film & TV Studios
Shenley Road

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2009 11:01 PM
Subject: A new topic has been added-Re: Short video clip( Message No. 2555)

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Hello John Schoonraad

Post Date : Sunday 06th 2009f September 2009 05:55:32 PM
Posted by : "Dave Parvin"

Re: Short video clip:--
I tried to comment on the video yesterday but when I hit "submit," I was notified that there was an error in my syntax and my efforts were lost in cyberspace or somewhere. I'll try again.

First of all, I enjoyed the video and an appreciate anything that makes our art form look good.

But I agree with Dan, it would be so much more comfortable to work if the model were about waist high. I have three padded boards of different sizes which I position the mode both for my convenience and her/his comfort. They are simply supported by saw horses. Of course, since I have written over eighty articles mostly on life casting, I have written two on supporting models. Neither are posted as of yet in the ALI Library, but until they are, I would be glad to email them to anyone.

As to painting plaster into a mold, I go along with John and always paint in layers any gypsum material including Forton MG into open sided molds. It simply never occurred to me to do it any other way. I do slush into a closed mold or completely fill the mold depending on configuration and size. While bubble are pretty well eliminated with any method if done carefully and properly, I do use vacuum de-airing and pressure casting when appropriate.

One last point, I go along with the medical profession in that whenever I am actually going to be touching a female subject, I always have a female assistant. Clearly in the video, there was a great model/artist relationship and the casting wasn't so complicated that an assistant would have been necessary to accomplish it, I just prefer to have an assistant who is also age appropriate both to help with the casting and make the model feel more comfortable.


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ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting, create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and advance opportunities for their artistic success.


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