Association of Lifecasters International


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Association of Lifecasters International
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Author Message
John Schoonraad

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Started On : 07-Sep-2009 at 05:34:49 PM, #Views : 5848

Topic Subject : Re: Re: Re: Re: Short video clip

All good points which its better to have assistants and female ones at that
I have some one accompany them to the dressing room and shower, there have been female actress's that have stipulated that they must have a female lifecaster thats there choice
And also in the case of children its even more important to have male and female assistants which raise the proffesional gain
And heaven forbid the lifecaster became seriously ill in the middle of a head cast there has to be some one there for back up
its quit a good idea to document all lifecast by video so as to safe guard correct behavior from both sides
with the permission of the model of course and definetly not covertly without permission
well what a can of worms this is, lifecasting has limit less possibilities.
I once got flown to the italian alps to lifecast a baby bear but that another story .
go safley
John Schoonraad

Lifecast Ltd
T: +44 (0)7877 035 895

Workshop 6
Elstree Film & TV Studios
Shenley Road

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 9:00 PM
Subject: A new topic has been added-Re: Re: Re: Short video clip( Message No. 2558)

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Hello John Schoonraad

Post Date : Monday 07th 2009f September 2009 03:54:12 PM
Posted by : "Dave Parvin"

Re: Re: Re: Short video clip:--
Ann, I would like to hear what other members have to say on this but it seems to me that there is a sort of double standard at work here. While a male should have a female assistant, helper, or partner when casting a female, it is not nearly so important for a female to work with a male when casting a male. Again, I would go back to the medical profession. A male physician has a female nurse when examining a female but a female physician doesn't necessarily have male nurse when examining or treating a male patient.

I always tell anyone no mater what kind of a casting we are planning to bring anyone she/he wants. I am not just being Mr. Niceguy. Anyone who comes into my studio is a potential customer or may know someone who is.

I want to emphasize that I am not doubting anyone's professionalism nor have I ever heard of a life caster being improper. I need an assistant and sometimes more than one as John pointed out. I might just as well have a female who in addition to helping with the casting can put the model at ease and be a credible witness that everything was on the up and up in the unlikely event that she is needed. It is not beyond imagination that some client might falsely accuse you or me of being improper in hopes of getting paid off. I think that in our society a female accusing a male is far more likely to be taken seriously than the other way around. I am sure you are fine with you female assistant especially if you have told the wife she is welcome.


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ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting, create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and advance opportunities for their artistic success.


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