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Dan Spector
: 02-Jan-2008
Started On : 23-Aug-2009 at 04:37:19 PM, #Views : 5909
Topic Subject : Re: Re: Re: Re: Re::: latex molds (Message No. 2502)( Mess... |
First to Robert, yes, I too started before there were any rules of
the road. As a toy designer I was familiar with epoxy moldmaking and
casting, and just barely knew of polyurethanes. I once tried making a
prototype mold with latex, an embarrassing waste of time. At RISD we
lifecasted by lowering a plaster-soaked bedsheet over the model or
with plaster gauze. But I wasn't a sculpture major anyway.
I understand some silicones will form a glove mold, meaning you can
dip an object in it or paint it on and it will form a fairly uniform
skin, to be peeled off the way you peel off a latex glove.
And to Diane:
By fiberglass, I mean I use f'glass mat, which is a big roll of
chopped strands maybe 1 1/2" long randomly arranged and held together
with starch. I cut the sheet into pieces maybe 4x5". I use the
thinnest grade, called 3/4 oz, meaning a square foot weighs that much
i think. Particles are called Cab-o-Sil, I believe, and would not
work. The length of the strands gives the strength.
Fiberglass comes in many forms. There is woven, gleaming cloth in
many grades, which plaster can't wet sufficiently; there is roving, a
loose rope of very long strands, which is what is chopped or woven;
there is veil, a very fine, sheer felt; thick felts, maybe already
saturated with resin; there are the chopped strands of different
lengths; and there is hammered strand, like little balls of fluff.
And probably more! They all are meant to work with polyester resin.
Unfortunately this resin has really jumped in price.
I'm sorry for people just getting into sculpture, as prices of so
many things, including freight, have jumped so high so fast. You can
buy fiberglass from local dealers, but in small quantities, you may
want to get some from f'glass fabricating shops, such as those who
make and fix boats. I will also sell the 3/4 oz mat.
Dan Spector
901 323 8717
On Aug 23, 2009, at 2:57 PM, aliforum@lifecasting.org wrote:
> ------------Silica-Free & Oh So GREEN------->
> NEW! MoldGel SILFREE. A revolutionary formula.
> Made with all food-grade ingredients. It nourishes
> the earth when discarded. 3-to-1 mix ratio yields
> twice the volume as those 1-to-1 brands. Delayed
> shrinkage for delayed casting - so creamy smooth, too.
> To learn more about it click here
> ---------------------------------------------->
> Hello Dan Spector
> Post Date : Sunday 23rd 2009f August 2009 03:50:13 PM
> Posted by : "Diane Rossong" Diane@lastingimpression.net
> Re: Re: Re: Re::: latex molds (Message No. 2502)( Mess...:--
> Yes, health care, the US needs to change that. without expressiing
> my opinion too much, the movie Sicko explains it best. But, that's
> another forum.
> What I use it for: I make copies mostly of baby hands and feet, for
> my customers family members as gifts. The big one I'm working on
> now is of an older ladies hand. I took a few castings while she was
> in the hospital, since then she has passed and the family wants
> many copies of thoses hands to be sent all over the world.
> They were also very happy when I told them I was making permanent
> moulds of her hands so they can purchase them in the future.
> Making the tiny hands and feet with latex was working fairly good
> but with this bigger order it's become quite frustrating.
> I also want to start coldcasting so I already have some molds to
> work with, when I get the time. (something I don't have much of)
> So yes, it is time for me to switch.
> Thanks for telling me which one would work best Robert, it can get
> kindof confusing at first.
> I do have FGR 95 (they ran out of H-Cal where I get it) so I mixed
> it with some dental gypsum.
> You say you can put fiberglass in these plasters, excuse my
> ignorence but do you mean fiberglass particals/stands to mix in
> with it? and is it easy to buy? I would like to add some strength
> to these hands since they won't be mounted.
> Oh yes, if you guys recall a few years ago when I was trying to
> make a urathane mold of a pregnent belly with a hand, Dan suggested
> mixing in fibers, so I took some polyester pillow fiber and cut it
> up with scissors over and over into small particals. I was able to
> sucseessfully make that mold with all of your help, the mother mold
> is very heavy and a little funny looking since I used gypsum, but
> it works., and for my first mold that's all I care about.
> It seems like it's mostly the same 3 or 4 guys the help out with
> this stuff and I certainly appreciate it.
> So again THANKS GUYS!
> Diane
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