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Author Message
Ali Webber

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Started On : 05-Aug-2009 at 11:07:55 PM, #Views : 5825

Topic Subject : Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New Lifecasters in UK

Thanks Dan, I appreciate all the time you took to write that. Lots of info in there for me to take in and thanks for beign so helpful. I have recently got a sack of 2 different types of hydrocal to see which ones better, one is faster setting and is hydrocal 106 otherwise known as white dental stone, the other is hydrocal white not sure of any other info apparently takes little longer to set both have strength of 6,000 psi.

Sounds really complicated for a learner like me, never know one day i may get there. I will post a picture of the ladies breasts that i did once finished. Is there an issue with posting them on here as they are exposed??? Dont want to post anything that may offend anyone. It is extremley heavy so i do plan on tackling the way you have explained and should be able to source fibreglass mat.

With doing the layers of the h'cal and fibreglass and then repeating do you get an obvious line of where the next layer is? I cant see how i could have done this mould the way you have explained as when i pulled the mould off and reinforced the back so i could pour full of stone i pulled it in so it was more compact and is quite decieving on how large the lady was, by pulling the mould in it curved the belly around and made a fuller mould, i have done in the shape of a love heart. So if i was to slosh this around i cant see how i would get even distribution of the stone with out it wanting to start to full down the sides unless it was like a paste when this is done? What product do you suggest to add to the stone to colour and is there any further work involved in colouring afterwards or is that the finished product.

Thanks again

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