Association of Lifecasters International


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Author Message
CJ Munn

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Started On : 31-Jul-2009 at 08:44:11 AM, #Views : 5743

Topic Subject : Re: message below

Forgive me if other versions of my response to the aggressive message below from Nicole Ciao appear elsewhere but I've tried sending repeatedly to the forum today and it seems my messages aren't getting through. Although they may turn up in a flurry, in which case please accept my apologies everyone.

When I woke up to the unpleasant message left for me, I had absolutely no idea who Nicole was or what on earth she was talking about. A little bit of thinking, together with the title of the message she'd replied to, led me to believe she had (as she said) searched on her own name, found an old message on the ALI forum about herself and assumed it was recent and decided to write an angry message about it. Since every other ALI member has also been subjected to Nicole's personal and angry message this morning, I thought some sort of explanation was warranted.

Having made time to do a search (since I was understandably a bit upset about such a horrid message being posted when I have done nothing wrong), I have found out that indeed Nicole is referring to a letter I posted to the forum in 2007 about her company using one of my images in their logo (and not removing it promptly when asked politely). Since the offending image was removed, shortly after I complained on ALI, I haven't given the matter a moment's thought until it was dragged up again here this morning in such an unpleasant manner. So the accusation of being pathetic for being stuck in the past, was completely unjustified.

Nicole, if you are reading, you have made what appears to be a genuine mistake, but I do feel an apology is in order for attacking me unnecessarily on the forum. I most certainly have moved on from you violating my copyright, but your angry message just drew attention to it all again. Most unfortunate for you and rather upsetting for me, actually.


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