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Ann Cochrane
: 13-Nov-2004
Started On : 03-Jul-2009 at 11:22:42 AM, #Views : 5839
Topic Subject : Guitar player's hand |
Hi All
I 'might' have to opportunity to cast a famous guitarist's hand - can't say the name incase it doesn't happen. So I want to plan the cast really well before I start.
I would like to cast both hands in position around a guitar. The final cast will be in cold cast bronze and I hope to attach both hands to a real guitar or maybe even a cast one.
I don't see much problem with the right hand but how can I do the left. Has anyone done anything like this? I expect cast hands holding anything will have much the same complications unless the actual object is staying in the plaster cast. The problem for me is how do I get the cold cast bronze hand around the guitar.
One idea I have had is to 'break' off the thumb of the bronze cast, attach the hand in place on the guitar and then fix the thumb back into postion. I have had a lot of experience casting with bronze resin so I should be able to manage that, but any ides would be very welcome.
Also if anyone has any other ideas of a different pose I would welcome that too.
I would like to add a big thanks to all of you that have answered my previous post asking for help.