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Kim Perrier

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Started On : 11-Jun-2009 at 08:12:11 AM, #Views : 5886

Topic Subject : Thanks for 2 emails on sealing advice.

Thanks to John Miller and Dan on Sealing advice.

I thought I'd put these up as they have by-passed the forum. And thanks again to John for his immediate, interesting and heartfelt response.

Hi Kim

I have used gesso to seal plaster of paris and white and grey hydrocal sculptures with great success. I have tryed premoisting with water mist which of course slows the absorption of the water based gesso somewhat. I have later repaired or revised the gessoed sculpture(s) and the new material holds very well. This serves as a nice temporary or final coating and is very durable and inexpensive. I have even fine sanded and buffed the gesso to a beautiful high luster. Additional wax finishes can also be applied as well as acrylics.

Best of luck

Isn't gesso known for being thick??
Get an acrylic sealer. have you even walked into a paint store??
Dan Spector
May I say what some treat as a special gift to give and receive knowledge others take for granted when it comes to giving advice and treat some questions as a fools errand.

I work with many exotic materials that most wouldn't touch with a barge pole such as casting Lead Glass Crystal which is probably the most difficult and unquestionably one of the most exotic materials used on this site.

The one material I don't use much but have fallen in love with is Hydrocal plaster.

I thank you Dan for your response and I also thank you for your level of honesty and just being you. I have often enjoyed your colorful and straight forward no holds barred responses. I have in the past looked forward to your way with words and ideas. You truly are a remarkable individual. I say this honestly Ali needs more Dan Spectors it makes it way more fun.

But I am taken back with your response about sealing plaster Dan.
You can well imagine that after working on a very special sculptural work for well over 8 months the last thing one wants to do is apply a material on the surface of a sculpture that may not fit the level of care and craftsmanship that has got it to a finished sculptural state.
Hence why I put up the question on sealing products. And no I have never attempted to seal hydrocal before apart from using sealers for painting my house. Nor have I ever attempted to use Gesso as I am a sculptor not a painter.

The last thing I need is for a product to peel or lift off a substance that is far harder than any common house plaster and as far as I know because of my lack of awareness not as absorbent.

As far as I am concerned to err on the side of caution is the right track and is why I love the Ali Forum because there is so much knowledge out there and assessable.

So thanks again for your concern about answering my question Dan, unfortunately I never got anything out of your response. However if you ever want to know anything about casting Glass give me a chance and I'll see whether I can help.

Thanks again John.

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