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Dave Parvin
: 16-Mar-2005
Started On : 24-May-2009 at 10:49:32 PM, #Views : 6501
Topic Subject : Re: Mixing Alginate: |
Rich, having mixed tons of alginate over more than twenty years, I am confident that I can help you. However, I will need some more information. For example, what are you using to mix the alginate? While small quantities can be mixed by hand, an electric drill which a top speed of at least 2500 R.P.M. with a Jiffy Mixer or paint mixer is much better. Clay is right, there are a lot of variables. Would you do me a favor and email me your phone number to my direct email parvinstudio@comcast.net or leave a message at my studio (303) 321-1074 and I will try to call you and we should be able in just a few minutes of conversation get you on the right track.
By the way, in order to write an article on AlgiSlo for "Sculpture Journal Magazine," I did a a bunch of tests with it and and did determine a maximum concentration. I can have the article emailed to you.
Also, there are lots of brands of alginates, I have tried and tested many of them. I prefer those made by Artmolds and Environmolds and would be glad to tell for which applications I use the different ones. Dave Parvin