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Adi Smith
: 05-Feb-2009
Started On : 10-Feb-2009 at 07:50:22 AM, #Views : 6206
Topic Subject : Re: Re: Re: Intro & quick question |
Hey Dean,
speaking from experience of making hundreds of moulds of Childrens & babies hand / feet. I use Chromatic Pro_Algin, from PSP dental here in the Uk. if mixed at the correct ratio, with 22-23 desgee water it sets in about 30-50 seconds, increasing the temperature by 1" shortens the setting time by 10 seconds. Works great, and as its fairly pliable when set its really easy to get the childs hand out without damaginf the mould.
As for filling the mould with "plaster" i tend to make a runny mix of plaster up, add a small amount 10% of overall amount required and swirl-tap-bang-invert any way possible the whole mould until every surface is covered.... then i add the thicker mix of plaster to fill the mould, stopping half way through (or when the fingers are filled) to tap, spin etc... then top up, and leave to set.
Only ever lost 2 fingers :-) (of the casts, not my own!! )
Hope that helps.