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Kim Perrier
: 27-Nov-2007
Started On : 11-Jul-2008 at 11:19:38 PM, #Views : 6340
Topic Subject : Recommending a search facility |
Hi all
I'd like to recommend a search engine facility within this forum.
Everytime I want explore some technical detail like stiffening cloth or special material handling I have to wade back through all the previous inputs and if I have enough time or am lucky enough I inevitably find it.
I think that what ALI stands for and is for so many of us is about sharing ideas and information, so how about it a search engine would really expand ALI's potential into the future.
This would be a great new beginning to build the ALI data base.
One I immediatly found was http://www.simplemachines.org it is a FREE open source
software which would take care of all the forums requirements and much much more.
Currently working on a large sculpture of a saint for a church in Fremantle Western Australia and using life cast components I'll send a photo when finished.