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David Scott
: 18-Nov-2006
Started On : 12-Mar-2007 at 02:25:59 PM, #Views : 6807
Topic Subject : 84 lifecastings |
I was looking forward to the completion of my first lifecasting and had hoped to see it in the gallery soon. My plans were to surprise my daughter on her birthday with the "Butterfly Princess". Well my plans went down in flames with the addition of "84 lifecastings" of sex organs. How can anyone with any amount of morals allow children to veiw such things? This should be in a catagory labeled "Adults only, Erotic displays!" I realize that one persons definition of art differs greatly from the next, but I must appeal to your sense of decency for the benifit of children who have access to the contents of this site. After considerable research on the subject to determine what is considered acceptable as ART, I have come to the conclusion that it comes down to ones morals and convictions. My personal belief is that God created sex as a wedding present for believers and that sex and sex organs should be shared with husband and wife only, not the whole world. Who wants their kids looking at an erect penis or a spread open vagina? God forbid that this is acceptable for children to view.