Association of Lifecasters International


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Association of Lifecasters International
All rights reserved.


Author Message
Frank Gorenstein

Joined: :

Started On : 12-Mar-2007 at 11:30:04 PM, #Views : 6596

Topic Subject : Re: A new topic has been added-RE: A new topic has been added-Re:

I think the piece is great. Art is, and always will be subjective as hell. I most recently had a small go around with Yahoo to get a small on line photo album that I use reclassified as as art and not pornography. As for the human male erection, it has been depicted in art, in all cultures from the beginning of recorded time. Ed, I think the piece deserves a place in the gallery, for the work of art that it is. wrote: ALI Sponsor -------->

NEW! Monster Movie Masks. A two part DVD series on
molding, casting and finishing full latex mask. Available

Hello Frank Gorenstein

Post Date : Monday 12th of March 2007 08:00:04 PM
Posted by : "Ed McCormick"

RE: A new topic has been added-Re::--
This forum is not a repository for personal attacks. I would ask that you
respect that rule.

I offered the entire membership an opportunity to express their opinion on
that piece before I allowed the gallery posting. No one gave it a negative

That doesn't imply that everyone one approved of it -- it was just an
affirmation that each member has a right to post their vision. I personally
do not like the piece. However, my dislike does not extend to a judgment on
the artist only on my own sensibilities.

You can freely discuss the art -- let's keep our judgments on our member
artists to ourselves.

There is no place for political correctness among true artists -- my strong
unwavering opinion -- as it stifles creativity.

Warmest regards

Ed McCormick
For ALI Members

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 5:00 PM
Subject: A new topic has been added-Re:( Message No. 1602) ALI Sponsor -------->

NEW! Monster Movie Masks. A two part DVD series on
molding, casting and finishing full latex mask. Available

Hello Ed McCormick

Post Date : Monday 12th of March 2007 05:00:08 PM
Posted by : "Essensual Life Sculpture"


Please explain exactly what you are "protecting" children from by
forbidding them to view a natural part of the beautiful human body (and an
artistic representation at that).

And regarding "ones morals and convictions," please read the following
article regarding that slippery slope:

Full of Grace and Truth

I believe that "protecting" children from anything but puppydogs and
butterflies does them a great disservice (and our society by extension).
It's a shame when hangups like yours are instilled into the minds of our
future adults, who could be much healthier adults without them.


> Post Date : Monday 12th of March 2007 02:25:59 PM
> Posted by : "David Scott"
> 84 lifecastings:--
> I was looking forward to the completion of my first lifecasting and had
> hoped to see it in the gallery soon. My plans were to surprise my
> daughter on her birthday with the "Butterfly Princess". Well my plans
> went down in flames with the addition of "84 lifecastings" of sex organs.
> How can anyone with any amount of morals allow children to veiw such
> things? This should be in a catagory labeled "Adults only, Erotic
> displays!" I realize that one persons definition of art differs greatly
> from the next, but I must appeal to your sense of decency for the benifit
> of children who have access to the contents of this site. After
> considerable research on the subject to determine what is considered
> acceptable as ART, I have come to the conclusion that it comes down to
> ones morals and convictions. My personal belief is that God created sex
> as a wedding present for believers and that sex and sex organs should be
> shared with husband and wife only, not the whole world. Who wants their
> kids!
> looking at an erect penis or a spread open vagina? God forbid that this
> is acceptable for children to view.

ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art
and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting

create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with
forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and
advance opportunities for their artistic success.

ALI is an international organization whose members are engaged in the art and creative industries. Its purpose is to promote the art of life casting, create public awareness of this unique art form, provide its members with forums to exchange information, resources to enhance their effectiveness and advance opportunities for their artistic success.

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