by Frank M. Gorenstein
Original casting of professional model, Sarah Lott. Made with reinforced Hydrocal. I am in the process of making a production mold out of latex. Reproductions to be cast in a high strength, light weight, propriety Gypsum - Cement material and offered in several finishes.
by Amanda Saulnier
raku fired clay and copper wire
This piece is my very first lifecast. It was done for a charity show in Halifax to raise money for breast cancer.
by Amanda Saulnier
raku fired clay
This is a cast I did of my six-year-old son's back. He stayed very still!
self portrait - two heads
by Amanda Saulnier
raku fired clay and copper wire
I had my partner help me make the plster cast for this self portrait.
Lovely Legs
by Ray Hope
Hydrocal reinforced with Fibreglass cms
Cast of a models legs.
by Ray Hope
Hydrocal reinforced with fibreglass csm
Cast before finishing and painting.