by Paul Zimmerman
plaster cast
I was looking not only for capturing the moment of holding future life, while at the same time, being able to see the life inside, in same vision
by galatea body casting studio
small childs hand with butterfly. Hand cast in alginate and poured with casting plaster.
rock on!
by galatea body casting studio
small childs hand doing the "rock on" symbol. Made for fathers day. cast in alginate and plaster.
mothers and daughters
by galatea bodycasting studio
mother and daughter cast. Made from alginate and cast in plaster.
white angel
by Francine Mongeon
I had my body casted with plaster strips then I made a rubber mold from it. It ended up being a life size wall sculpture.
Fine friend
by Francine Mongeon
This sculpture is made of plaster. And a few human hair...And yes he is still a friend...