by Mark Havard
Resin Gunmetal
A simple, but powerful study of a local "doorman"...don't argue with this guy...if you ain't got a tie on you don't get in!
The Hairdresser
by Mark Havard
Resin Bronze
One of a series of "The Proffesions" This one is of my business partner, my lifecasting partner, my life partner and love of my life...the glue that keeps me together...my wife Karen
The Thug From Accounts
by Scott King
Mixed media
This was a piece I made for the artist Scott King. It has a steel, fully jointed skeleton. The head & hands are resin & fiberglass.
It was based on lifecasts of a friend who is an accountant. Not a thug in the slightest.
by Bob Barrett
Forton MG
Forton MG with Copper Powder
Goddess of Copper
by Harold Van Johnson
Size 26"x19"
Hydocal with copper patina
Corina & Mark
by Greg Neal
Finished in iron, patina, clear coat.