by Greg Neal
Finished in copper, patina, clear coat.
by Sayko
Plaster, Gold-Leafed
Sidetorso cast, illuminated.
Photo by Ellis Martin www.ellismartin.com
To The Point
by Dave Clanfield
Plaster & Original
This was made up to be presented by a retiring Swordmaster as a trophy for junior fencers to earn a name plaque on.
Tortured Thumb
by Géphil
moulding compound
Lifecast of my left thumb.
About 25 years ago, while decorating a store, I hit my Thumb with a brand new hammer. The blow was so hard that my nail split open. The next few month I walked around with a pitch-black nail. Parts of my nail were glued together to prevent it from accidently tearing off. In the year 2002 I cut off the upper top of this thumb while cutting cardboard.
by Géphil
moulding compound
Refined lifecast of a girlfriend called Marika.
Gin Gin
by Heather Palleiko
plaster gauze with aged bronze faux finish
Torso sculpture ~ 7 months pregnant