by Dee Landerman
Plaster and filling
Life Size Roberto - freind, companian and life of the party.
3 for Dinner
by Dee Landerman
Plaster and Filling
two Nuns and a priest who sit around the house and park.
by Jim Cossack
Poly Resin
2nd in "Model to Metal" series. Molded with poly resin finished in five different metal flake metals blended to form a "metal Rainbow"
by Jim Cossack
Moldgel molded, Castrite cast of Christina's hand trying to preserve detail as small as the fingerprints (succesfully), finished with nickel plating. 2004
by Dennis Covey
UltraCal30 Acrylics
Male Torso
by Doug Simpson
Paper and steel
Paper, fabric, and steel. Face cast with tissue paper and Paverpol textile hardener, draped with hardened fabric and mounted to welded steel.